Having a brick come down hard on your finger hurts. What hurts even more is having your computer break down or malfunction at an unexpected time. You lose your mind, your peace, and most importantly, one of your best companions for relaxation and for work. Whenever this happens, you need to find a way to get your computer repair done as soon as possible so you can move on with the most important things in your life. What better place to go than the best in the business- The Cell Surgeon.
At The Cell Surgeon, we fix whatever issue that may warrant a computer repair service. From screen and keyboard repairs to common battery and hard drive replacement problems , you can count on us to fix it all.

We fix computers of all makes and brands
You can always be confident to walk into our store with whatever the make or brand of computer. We fix it all- whether it’s a MacBook, an iMac, a PC, or a laptop of just about any shape and size, we will bring it back to life.
We are always available! Always around!
Need to make an emergency repair to your computer? Come in to The Cell Surgeon anytime, any day! Our experts are always ready to admit the next computer into our ER. Broken screen? Faulty port? Keyboard malfunction? Whatever the issues may be, we will tend to them with skilled, nimble hands.
We offer computer repair in Chattanooga and North Carolina. Cell Surgeon’s computer services extend over a wide variety of issues. We tend to just about anything that could go wrong with your computer.
Some of our most popular computer repair services include:
We know that a single crash of your computer might be all it takes to halt your productive vibe for the rest of the week. This is why we pride ourselves in getting you back on track with your goals through our fast and reliable computer repair.
Beyond crashes and obvious screen faults, our team of highly-trained technicians also pride in detecting and rectifying the other not-so-obvious but wildly problematic issues that may arise with your computer screen.
Nothing is as frustrating as a slow and unresponsive keyboard. Even worse, when for some reason, your keyboard just won’t work. If your computer is experiencing any of these issues, don’t lose your sleep. Bring it straight to The Cell Surgeon and let us have it fixed in little to no time at all.
Your hard drive is the soul of your computer and sometimes, it can develop an unrepairable crash. In this case, our highly skilled technicians will need to transplant a new hard drive into your computer. Don’t worry! It will take little to no time at all.
A bad battery can put your creativity in quarantine and prevent you from getting anything tangible done all day. You don’t want to be stuck in this unhealthy place. If your computer is draining charge, then it might be time to come in to The Cell Surgeon to get a battery replacement.
Are you having to deal with issues with your HDMI Port? Our technicians are always happy to provide a quick and easy fix for all charge port problems.
Not sure what’s up with your computer? Take full advantage of our free, no-obligation diagnostic program. Our technicians are more than ready to put their expertise to work and figure out exactly what is going on with your computer before you can say “Fix it!”
Guarantee on our lowest price
You get jaw-dropping deals on all computer repairs you make at The Cell Surgeon.
Superior Warranty For Common Repairs
Besides our clean, fast, and reliable computer repairs, we also offer a full 90-day warranty on all common computer repairs made at The Cell Surgeon.
Expert hands, Swift repairs
Nothing is more relaxing than knowing that your computer repair is handled by the best hands in the industry. At The Cell Surgeon, you can be rest assured that we carry out your computer repairs with clinical, surgical precision.